Friday, February 03, 2012

A Brief Update...

So it's certainly been a while since I wrote here and I kind of fell off the bus on keeping everyone updated on the Mayo visits but I think that was because I just got depressed or defeated that it was taking so long to get thigns fixed.

But I am happy to say that my trips to Mayo were worth all the time in the car driving and in the hotel rooms and hospitals and all of that because they finally fixed the issue.

After every doctor wouldn't admit that my problem was the internal hemorrhoids, Mayo finally decided to remove them and wouldn't you know it, that solved my blood loss issue.

Since my surgery in September, my blood count as gone up to the 13 range which is about as normal as I would probably get and it has stayed there. I had to have one more series of iron infusions, but since the last one a couple weeks ago I am no longer in need of the iron which means no more weekly trips to the ICU for the infusions.

I haven't felt as good as I have been feeling in about 4+ years.

Now we are on to the next problem which is the Hepatitis C that I was diagnosed with back in April during the time I was getting all of the blood transfusions. In all I had a total of 15 transfusions over a 15 months period. Pretty crazy I know. But I was diagnosed with the Hep C and I am now seeing a specialist to see about treatment to get the Hep C fixed.

Last Thursday I had a liver biopsy which was going to give the doctors the best picture of how bad the Hep C is and maybe give them an idea of just how long I have had it. The docs have said there is a legit chance that I have had this since 1984 when I got my first and only transfusions during all of my stomach issues as a baby. Would seem crazy that I have had it for 27 years from one single transfusion and it went unnoticed for that long, but it is a possibility.

Anyways, today (Friday, Feb. 3) I go to get the results of the biopsy to see where we stand and what the next step is in terms of the treatment plan. Either way when I do decide to start the treatment it is going to be a pretty lengthy process that can last anywhere from 6-11 months. It also won't be much fun for me or those of you that know me according to the doctors because of the side effects and what it may make me feel like.

But one thing at a time and next is seeing the doc this afternoon and getting a better idea of what we are dealing with.

What I do know is that I have come this far getting through everything and this is just one more step along my journey. Ideally it will be the last step. But we shall see.

I plan on keeping this updated and then when ever I do start the treatment I am going to try and do it weekly just to keep everyone up to date on how I am doing.

A final note. To those friends and family that have been hit with some hard news of late or that have been diagnosed with some of their own health issues recently, I just say stay positive. Keep your head up and know that there are lots of people pulling for you and lots of people that love you. From someone who has been through a lot and has felt at times like things would never get better, my best advice is to try and stay as positive as possible. As hard as it may be to be positive, it is going to help you so much. Because the days I felt bad and then had a bad attitude about it were the hardest days. Those were the days it seemed like nothing could go right and made it hard to get through the day. But stay strong. Stay positive. Fight with everything you have and NEVER give up. And certainly don't be afraid to ask others for help. Sometimes we try to be so strong for everyone else and make everyone else feel like we are OK because we want to be, but there is nothing wrong with feeling bad or being scared and telling people. There is nothing wrong with talking to people and just venting just to vent. Cry. Scream. Swear. Punch a door. Stomp your feet. Whatever it is that makes you feel better. Nobody will think any less of you. Sometimes it just feels good to get mad or sad. But when you get it out, allow yourself to feel good again and have that positive attitude again.

I have come a long way over the last 4 years and I have seen myself when I felt like I was at rock bottom with my health and my attitude. I was mentally, physically and emotionally so drained that it was tough to see the positives, but I see where I am now and know that everything I put myself through and everything I fought for was all worth it.

Stay strong. And fight on.

Till next time.


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